Monday, July 23, 2007
another post of photos~

_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 12:41:00 pm__
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weee~ i've got more photos~!!!! =x

_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 12:38:00 pm__
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
was watching d.gray man episode 40~
i noticed lavi without headband~

that's so cute~!!!!!
*fangirl mode*
he looks super cute and good looking~
love him to bits~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 4:05:00 am__
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
weee~ cosfest is over~
and i got some of the photos~
too bad my hair was short though~ T_T

_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 10:21:00 pm__
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Sunday, July 08, 2007
come to think of it~
i was watching Initial D - Fourth stage Episode 14~
at the start i noticed Takumi's change in hairstyle~
and i simply love that part where he walk out of the Fujiwara tofu den to find hid father's new car~
then he realised that it was the car that sped past him the other day on MT Akina~
*well nobody else could do that to takumi except his dad*
he started to say~
his father in the background smoking~ "are you listening?"
Takumi~ "There's no mistaking it... This colour... This rear wing..."
"so that's what it was..."
Takumi sqaut down and said "Dammit... I'm so..."
"Why didn't i realise it sooner?"
"when you think about it, there's only one person who can drive so dangerously, recklessly, tactlessly, and disgustingly fast on Akina's downhill!"
then he turned and look at his oyaji, who's still smoking~
I simply cracked up at that~
the look on his face is awesome~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 7:34:00 am__
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Friday, July 06, 2007
do you know how much it took me to stop myself from shaking?
do you know how much i'm afraid to be alone?
do you know how much i'm afraid of the dark?
you told me you'd be back soon~
1 hr passed~
then you call saying you wun be back early~
i haven ate anything the entire day~
i waited and waited~
like that~
dun be amused if you see me unconcious~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 11:49:00 pm__
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i just saw Maki's sms telling me he'd be out~
its timed at 6pm~
and apparently my hp gave way~
no batt~
it has been low batt since yesterday~
maki should have known that~
so i didn't see the god damn message till 9+ going to 10 pm~
so does my gastric~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 10:01:00 pm__
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i hate it~
darling i hate you~
you left me alone at home~
knowing that i'm afraid to be alone~
and i'm scared of the dark~
you didn't even tell me anything about you going out~
does it make you happy to see me suffer?
you never consoled me when i was down either~
all u did was nothing~
best thing is~
i haven't eaten anything yet~
and i'm having gastric~
thanks ar~
thanks a bunch~
seems like i'm just trash to you~
thanks for everything~
you've done it again~
leaving me all by myself at home~
thanks a million~
you made my day~
_~.:: <3 †Misha- <3 Alex ::.~_
>> titledat 7:33:00 pm__
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